How to get Loan
Block main
- As per Eigibility Criteria the applicant has to fill up
Loan Application Form I English(51.1 KB) for consideration of District Level Screening Committee.
- After the approval of Distt. Level Screening Committee , Field Officer , Backfinco will get completed the
Loan Application Form II English(49.9 KB) for Backward Classes and Minorities along with requisite documents and then recommend the case to Head Office of Backfinco.
Documents to be furnished by the Loanee (With Loan Application Form II)
- Two photographs duly attested by the concered Field Officer, BACKFINCO.
- If the Loanee gives the guarantee of third person a photograph duly attested of the guarantor.
- If the applicant belongs to Backward Class , a Backward Class Certificate duly issued by the competent authority and also an self declaration regarding Caste,Income, Age, Address ,purpose of loan and profession in prescribed performa of BACKFINCO.
- If the applicant belongs to Minority Community , an self declaration regarding Caste,Income, Age, Address ,purpose of loan and profession in prescribed performa of BACKFINCO.
- An affidavit from applicant declaring there-in that he has not obtained any benefit under any subsidy scheme implemented / being implemented by State Govt. / Central Govt agencies.
- Guarantee of his own land or house / plot or that of guarantor valuing equal to the loan amount along with Fard Jamabandi or Map of house or plot. In case of guarantor giving the guarantee an affidavit is also to be obtained from him declaring there-in that the property is free from all encumbrances .
- An attested copy of Adhar Card or Rashan Card or Voter Identity Card in token of proof of residence.
- If the payment is to be made to the 3rd party a quotation from the reputed firm duly signed by the owner , applicant and Field Officer of Backfinco.
- An attested copy of qualification certificate, if required.
- An attested copy of certificate of training obtained, if required.